Pregnancy Problem

by Concerned Friend

Pregnancy problem with a friend has made me afraid to get pregnant.

These past few days have been very difficult. My boyfriend and I have been trying to get pregnant for about 4 months. Nothing has happened yet-- and I do not know if it just not the time for us or if there is something literally wrong.

However, my best friend is currently pregnant. She actually was 23 weeks pregnant two days ago. This past weekend was horrifying. She experienced a critical pregnancy problem and her blood pressure went high and they put her in the hospital. Before we knew it she was in ICU and the baby was in NICU fighting for both of their lives.

Not only was this scary for her and her entire family, but it made me wake up and realize maybe I am not ready for such a thing. Now, I am scared to my wits end that something this detrimental could happened to me and my little one. I am terrified about having a serious pregnancy problem myself!

I've always had an overwhelming sensation that I want to have children, however, now I feel that I am too scared to even consider getting pregnant right now.

I am not going to leave you hanging... my friend and her little one are both doing better, and prayers are the main concern.

We want to end up with a healthy little baby and a healthy mom as well. However, this scare has made me more frightened about the choices I will make in the future. How often does this kind of serious pregnancy problem happen to people? And how can this effect the baby?

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Oct 21, 2013
Pregnancy Solution
by: mary

I was very happy to hear that your friend is o.k.
however I want to tell you from my own experience that if something happens to someone else, it doesn't mean that the same would happen to you.

unfortunately. we hear all the about problems and different issue people have, but it doesn't mean, we should stop doing it ourselves.

for example, if someone had car accident, then it means that we should stop driving ourselves...?
I don't think so.

You should be optimistic and always look forward good things to happen in your life.,


Jun 20, 2011
If you eat 80-100 grams of protein a day, you are unlikely to have this happen
by: Sandy

I can understand why you would be nervous about getting pregnant given your friend's experience.

I just wanted to tell you that it is very unlikely for you to have your blood pressure skyrocket like your friend's did if you are careful to get at least 80-100 grams of protein daily. Dr. Brewer tested this in his clinic and came up with The Brewer Pregnancy Diet to prevent Pre eclampsia.

If you follow Healthy Diet for Pregnancy, you should have nothing to worry about!

So go ahead, work on getting pregnant and enjoy your pregnancy!

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