Getting toddlers and kids to eat fruits and vegetables
by Felicia Sinclair
(Greater Atlanta Area)
Kids Eating Fruits and Vegetables
Question: Getting toddlers and kids to eat fruits & vegetables
Hello all, I am new to the community, and would like to introduce myself...
I am trying to reach out to parenting forum because I am trying to see what parents are doing to get their toddlers and kids to eat healthy or eat more fruits and vegetables.
Many parents that I do know say they do have a hard time trying to get their toddlers and kids to eat more vegetable and quite a few of them suggested this site to get some type of idea.
Your feedback is greatly appreciative and welcomed.
Ideas for getting toddlers and kids to eat fruits and vegetables
Hi Felicia,
Here are some ideas for getting toddlers and kids to eat fruits and vegetables.
- Involve your little one in the selection of veggies and fruits at your local farmers market or grocery store. Kids are much more likely to eat produce that they have picked out.
- Consider growing fruit or veggies in your backyard or at a local community garden. Kids are much more likely to eat food that they have been personally involved in growing. Even babies can pull carrots out of the ground and pick tomatoes!
- Consider implementing a reward system. In our house, my daughters "earn" their "dessert" (a piece of fruit) by eating all of their dinner. On the odd day that they don't feel like eating their spinach, they will still consume it because they want to have watermelon, apples and peanut butter, a peach, etc.
- As your kids get older, start talking to them about how their body requires good fuel (healthy food and a balanced diet). Set an example by eating food you don't particularly "like" because it is good for you. Liver is my best example for this…I hate the consistency, but my kids routinely see me eat it because I know it is good for me. Sometimes I even plug my nose as I'm eating it, but I still eat it because it is good for me and I need the iron – especially when pregnant. As a result, my kids get that eating should be more about feeding your body the very best nutrients than it is about satisfying cravings.
- Prepare meals together. Kids are much more likely to eat food that they have prepared and/or cooked. Even 4 year olds can cut veggies with a special knife. You don't want to give them anything too sharp, but there are lots of knives intended for kids, just check out a Waldorf website. A nice warm soup with chopped veggies is a great family project.
- Plan meals together. As you do so, research the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are in the foods you are selecting. Discuss why it is important to have a variety of foods as well as the right proportions of protein, fruit, veggies, grains and health fats.
- Bring out their creative side. Play with food. This is especially helpful with Toddlers who naturally stick everything they are playing with in their mouths. Make stick people out of carrots, celery, radishes and raisons. Cut watermelon and apples into shapes with cookie cutters. Make flowers out of toothpicks and slices of pear, apple, melon, etc. Use peanut butter to glue things together.
- Keep trying. Most kids don't like new foods the first time they try them. So, keep trying. Make a point of having a protein and veggie with every meal.
- Avoid using sugar and artificial sweeteners. Don't offer sugary snacks, stay away from cookies and cakes. Offer fruit as a dessert instead.
We hope this helps! We would love to hear reader ideas for getting toddlers and kids to eat fruits and vegetables. Just click on the "comments" button and add your thoughts!
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